Training Classes

  • Dealing With Women Offenders
  • Correctional Report/Incident Writing
  • If You Don't Log It, Did it really Happen?
  • Running a Jail As a Business
  • Understanding Personalities
  • Cell Search/ Unclothed Searches
  • TMI ( Time Management Implementation)
  • Understanding The Basics of Jail Data.
  • Cell Extraction Course

Jail Officer 40 Hour Course Program

This will be a 40 hour course of information that is designed to help the new to the career officer gain a foundation of what the job will entail. The course has 32 hour of classroom style learning and 8 hours of practical time. This class can be structured to fit several different scheduling types as preferred by hosting agency. Reach out today to schedule a training in your region.


Training Class Rates

$20 per civilian officer

$35 per sworn officer

Services Hourly Rate is $45/hour 4 hr minimum

Discounts for multi officer same agency provided

Court Room Security Principles

  • Setting the Foundation of Court Security Officers
  • 16 hours of training focused on the courtroom
  • Talking about the security concerns and prevention efforts
  • Discussing trends in dealing with inmates and the public
Empty prison cell